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nirvāa as the fruit of extinction
灭果  detail>>
 n.  1.(权利等的)消灭,(生物等的)灭绝;(火等的)熄灭;(法律等的)废除。 2.【物理学】消光;自屏;衰减。  短语和例子&nbs...  detail>>
eternal peace nirvāa
常寂  detail>>
his nirvāa
涅盘妙  detail>>
nirvāa or the absolute
寂静门  detail>>
the knowledge and experience of nirvāa
解脱知见  detail>>
the nirvāa-method
寂灭法  detail>>
the shore of peace nirvāa
寂岸  detail>>
by fruit
副果  detail>>
副果  detail>>
 n.  1.实,果实 〔cf. berry, capsule, drupe, legume, nut, pome〕; 水果。 ★单数也可用作集合名词;复数指各种水果;作...  detail>>
no fruit
不结果子  detail>>
peace eternal eternal nirvāa
寂常  detail>>
the lion of nirvāa ākyamuni
寂业师子  detail>>
a mass extinction
大规模毁灭  detail>>
ademption by extinction
废止遗赠  detail>>
age of extinction
绝灭期  detail>>
amblyopia of extinction
弱视消退  detail>>